Liquid, Liquid Crystal, and Crystal States of Different Shaped Colloids in Nonuniform Fields via Osmotic Force Balance, Zhang, L.; Pellicciotti, A.J.; Sandag, M.; Bevan, M.A. J. Chem. Phys. Vol. 161, 234904, 2024. (pdf)
Simple Models of Directly Measured Energy Landscapes for Different Shaped Particles in Nonuniform AC Electric Fields, Zhang, L.; Pellicciotti, A.J.; Hendley, R.; Wang, X.; Bevan, M.A. Langmuir Vol. 40, 25003-25013, 2024. (pdf)
Direct Measurements & Simplified Models of Colloidal Interactions & Diffusion with Adsorbed Macromolecules, Ellingson, M.O.; Bevan, M.A. Soft Matter Vol. 20, 6808-6821, 2024. (pdf)
Field-directed Motion, Cargo Capture, and Closed-Loop Controlled Navigation of Microellipsoids, Gauri, H.M.; Patel, R.; Lombardo, N.S.; Bevan, M.A.; Bharti, B. Small Vol. 20, 2403007, 2024. (pdf)
Diffusion, Density, and Defects on Spheres, Bond, J.E.; Yeh A.J.; Edison, J.R.; Bevan, M.A. Soft Matter Vol. 20, 6371-6383, 2024. (pdf)
Blood Protein Exclusion from Polymer Brushes, Jumai‘an, E.; Zhang, L.; Bevan, M.A. ACS Nano, Vol. 17, 2378–2386, 2023. (pdf)
Design Rules for 2D Field Mediated Assembly of Different Shaped Colloids into Diverse Microstructures, Hendley, R.S.; Zhang, L.; Bevan, M.A. Soft Matter Vol. 18, 9273-9282, 2022. (pdf)
Hierarchical Planning with Deep Reinforcement Learning for 3D Navigation of Microrobots in Blood Vessels, Yang, Y.; Bevan, M.A.; Li, B. Adv. Intell. Syst., 2200168, 2022. (pdf)
Droplet Formation and Growth Mechanisms in Reaction-Induced Spontaneous Emulsification of 3-(Trimethoxysilyl) Propyl Methacrylate, Neibloom, D.; Bevan, M.A.; Frechette, J. Langmuir Vol. 37, 11625, 2021. (pdf)
Anisotropic Colloidal Interactions & Assembly in AC Electric Fields, Hendley, R.S.; Torres-Díaz, I.; Bevan, M.A. Soft Matter Vol. 17, 9066, 2021. (pdf)
Specific Ion Effects on Adsorbed Zwitterionic Copolymers, Jumai‘an, E.; Garcia, E.A.; Herrera-Alonso, M.; Bevan, M.A. Macromolecules Vol. 53, 9769, 2020. (pdf)
Controlling Colloidal Crystals via Morphing Energy Landscapes & Reinforcement Learning, Zhang, J.; Yang, J.; Zhang, Y.; Bevan, M.A. Sci. Adv. Vol. 6, abd6716, 2020. (pdf)
Micro/Nano Motor Navigation and Localization via Deep Reinforcement Learning, Yang, Y.; Bevan, M.A.; Li, B. Adv. Theory Simul. Vol. 3, 2000034, 2020. (pdf)
Spatially Varying Colloidal Phase Behavior on Multi-Dimensional Energy Landscapes, Zhang, J.; Bevan, M.A. J. Chem. Phys. Vol. 152, 054905, 2020. (pdf)
Cargo Capture and Transport by Colloidal Swarms, Yang, Y.; Bevan, M.A. Sci. Adv. Vol. 6, eaay7679, 2020. (pdf)
Efficient Navigation of Colloidal Robots in an Unknown Environment via Deep Reinforcement Learning, Yang, Y.; Bevan, M.A.; Li, B. Adv. Intell. Sys. Vol. 2, 1900106, 2020. (pdf)
kT-scale Interactions and Stability of Colloids with Adsorbed Zwitterionic and Ethylene-oxide Copolymers, Petroff, M.G.; Garcia, E.A.; Dengler, R.; Herrera-Alonso, M.; Bevan, M.A. Macromolecules Vol. 51, 9156-9164, 2018. (pdf)
Optimal Navigation of Self-Propelled Colloids, Yang, Y.; Bevan, M.A. ACS Nano, Vol. 12, 10712-10724, 2018. (pdf)
Direct Measurements of kT-scale Capsule-Substrate Interactions & Deposition vs. Surfactant & Polymer Additives, Coughlan A.C.H.; Torres, I.; Jerri, H.; Bevan, M.A. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Vol. 10, 27444–27453, 2018. (pdf)
Nanoparticle Adsorption Dynamics at Fluid Interfaces, Hua, X.; Frechette, J.; Bevan, M.A. Soft Matter Vol. 14, 3818-3828, 2018. (pdf)
Competitive Adsorption between Nanoparticles and Surface Active Ions for the Oil–Water Interface, Hua, X.; Bevan, M.A.; Frechette, J. Langmuir Vol. 34, 4830-4842, 2018. (pdf)
Measurement of Anisotropic Particle Interactions with Non-uniform AC Electric Fields, Rupp, B.; Torres, I.; Hua, X.; Bevan, M.A. Langmuir Vol. 34, 2497-2504, 2018. (pdf)
Energy Landscapes for Ellipsoids in Non-uniform AC Electric Fields, Torres, I.; Bevan, M.A. Soft Matter Vol. 14, 934-944, 2018. (pdf)
A Comparison of Open-Loop and Closed-Loop Strategies in Colloidal Self-Assembly, Tang, X.; Zhang, J.; Bevan, M.A.; Grover, M.A. J. Process Control Vol. 60, 141-151, 2017. (pdf)
Effective Colloidal Interactions in Rotating Magnetic Fields, Coughlan A.C.H.; Bevan, M.A. J. Chem. Phys. Vol.147, 074903, 2017. (pdf)
Interfacial Colloidal Rod Dynamics: Coefficients, Simulations & Analysis, Yang, Y.; Bevan, M.A. J. Chem. Phys. Vol.147, 054902, 2017. (pdf)
General Potential for Anisotropic Colloid-Surface Interactions, Torres, I.; Bevan, M.A. Langmuir Vol. 33, 4356–4365, 2017. (pdf)
Construction and Application of Markov State Models for Colloidal Self-Assembly Control, Tang, X.; Bevan, M.A.; Grover, M.A. Mol. Syst. Des. Eng. Vol. 2, 78-88, 2017. (pdf)
Direct Measurement of Macromolecule Coated Colloid-Mucus Interactions, Swavola, J.C.; Edwards, T.D.; Bevan, M.A. Langmuir Vol. 31, 9076-9085, 2015. (pdf)
Modeling Depletion Mediated Colloidal Assembly on Topographical Patterns, Yang, Y.; Edwards, T.D.; Bevan, M.A. J. Coll. Interfac. Sci. Vol. 449, 270-278, 2015. (pdf)
Controlling Assembly of Colloidal Particles into Structured Objects: Basic Strategy and a Case
Study, Bevan, M.A; Ford, D.M.; Grover, M.A.; Shapiro, B.; Maroudas, D.; Yang, Y.; Thyagarajan, R.; Tang, X.; Sehgal, R.M. J. Process Control Vol. 27, 64-75, 2015. (pdf)
Tunable Aggregation by Competing Biomolecular Interactions, Duncan, G.; Bevan, M.A. Langmuir Vol. 30, 15253–15260, 2014. (pdf)
Colloidal Potentials Mediated by Specific Biomolecular Interactions, Duncan, G.; Bevan, M.A. Soft Matter Vol. 10, 8524-8532, 2014. (pdf)
Controlling Colloidal Particles with Electric Fields, Edwards, T.D.; Bevan, M.A. Langmuir Vol. 30, 10793–10803, 2014. (pdf)
Optimal Design of a Colloidal Self-Assembly Process, Xue, Y.; Beltran-Villegas, D.J.; Tang, X..; Bevan, M.A.; Grover, M.A.; IEEE Trans. Control Sys. Tech. Vol. 22, 1956–1963, 2014. (pdf)
Fluidic-Enabled Reconfigurable Patch With Integrated Dielectric Spectrometer, Long, S.A.; Dorsey, W.M.; Huff, G.H.; Brennan, N.; Rupp, B.; Bevan, M.A. IEEE Antennas Wireless Prop. Lett. Vol. 13, 1116-1119, 2014. (pdf)
kT-Scale Interactions between Supported Lipid Bilayers, Everett, W.N.; Bevan, M.A. Soft Matter Vol. 10, 332-342, 2014. (pdf)
Label-free Brain Injury Biomarker Detection Based on Highly Sensitive Large Area Organic Thin Film Transistor with Hybrid Coupling Layer, W. Huang, K. Besar, R. LeCover, P. Dulloor, J. Sinha, J.F. Martínez Hardigree, C. Pick, J. Swavola, A. D. Everett, J. Frechette, M.A. Bevan, H.E. Katz Chem. Sci. Vol. 5, 416-426, 2014. (pdf)
Self-Consistent Colloidal Energy and Diffusivity Landscapes in Macromolecular Solutions, Beltran-Villegas, D.J.; Edwards, T.D.; Bevan, M.A. Langmuir Vol. 29, 12337–12341, 2013. (pdf)
Size Dependent Thermodynamics and Kinetics in Electric Field Mediated Colloidal Crystal Assembly, Edwards, T.D.; Beltran-Villegas, D.J.; Bevan, M.A. Soft Matter Vol.9, 9208-9218, 2013. (pdf)
Electric Field Mediated Assembly of Three Dimensional Equilibrium Colloidal Crystals, Juarez, J.J.; Feicht, S.; Bevan, M.A. Soft Matter Vol. 8, 94–103, 2012. (pdf)
A Smoluchowski Model of Crystallization Dynamics of Small Colloidal Clusters, Beltran-Villegas, D.J.; Sehgal, R.M.; Maroudas, D.; Ford, D.M.; Bevan, M.A. J. Chem. Phys. Vol.135,154506, 2011. (pdf)
kT-Scale Colloidal Interactions in High Frequency Inhomogeneous AC Electric Fields. II. Concentrated Ensembles, Juarez, J.J.; Liu, B.; Cui, J.; Bevan, M.A. Langmuir Vol. 27, 9219–9226, 2011. (pdf)
kT-Scale Colloidal Interactions in High Frequency Inhomogeneous AC Electric Fields. I. Single Particles, Juarez, J.J.; Cui, J.; Liu, B.; Bevan, M.A. Langmuir Vol. 27, 9211–9218, 2011. (pdf)
Imaging Carbon Nanotube Interactions, Diffusion, and Stability in Nanopores, Eichmann, S.L.;Smith, B.; Meric, G.; Fairbrother, D.H.; Bevan, M.A. ACS Nano Vol.5, 5909-5919, 2011. (pdf)
Free Energy Landscapes for Colloidal Crystal Assembly, Beltran-Villegas, D.J.; Bevan, M.A. Soft Matter Vol. 7, 3280-3285, 2011. (pdf)
Direct Measurements of Protein Stabilized Gold Nanoparticle Interactions, Eichmann, S.L.; Bevan, M.A. Langmuir Vol. 26, 14409–14413, 2010. (pdf)
Confocal Laser Imaging and Annealing of Quantum-Dot-Coated Silica Colloidal Crystals, Beckham, R.E.; Bevan, M.A. Langmuir Vol. 26, 3779–3782, 2010. (pdf)
Fokker–Planck Analysis of Separation Dependent Potentials and Diffusion Coefficients in Simulated Microscopy Experiments, Beltran-Villegas, D.J.; Sehgal, R.M.; Maroudas, D.; Ford, D.M.; Bevan, M.A. J. Chem. Phys. Vol. 132, 044707, 2010. (pdf)
Spatially Controlled Reversible Colloidal Self-Assembly, Fernandes, G.E.; Beltran-Villegas, D.J.; Bevan, M.A. J. Chem. Phys. Vol. 131, 134705, 2009. (pdf)
Interactions and Microstructures in Electric Field Mediated Colloidal Assembly, Juarez, J.J.; Bevan, M.A. J. Chem. Phys. Vol. 131, 134704, 2009. (pdf)
Resonant Effects in Evanescent Wave Scattering of Polydisperse Colloids, Wu, H.; Shah, S.; Beckham, R.E.; Meissner, K.; Bevan, M.A. Langmuir Vol. 24, 13790-13795, 2008. (pdf)
Interfacial Colloidal Crystallization via Tunable Hydrogel Depletants , Fernandes, G.E.; Beltran-Villegas, D.J.; Bevan, M.A. Langmuir Vol. 24, 10776-10785, 2008. (pdf)
Electrostatically Confined Nanoparticle Interactions and Dynamics, Eichmann, S.L.; Anekal, S.G.; Bevan, M.A. Langmuir Vol. 24, 714-721, 2008. (pdf)
Closure-Based Density Functional Theory Applied to Interfacial Colloidal Fluids, Lu, M.; Bevan, M.A.; Ford, D.M. Langmuir Vol. 23, 12481 -12488, 2007. (pdf)
Interfacial Colloidal Sedimentation Equilibrium. II. Closure Based Density Functional Theory, Lu, M.; Bevan, M.A.; Ford, D.M. J. Chem. Phys. Vol. 127, 164709, 2007. (pdf)
Interfacial Colloidal Sedimentation Equilibrium. I. Intensity Based Confocal Microscopy, Beckham, R.E; Bevan, M.A. J. Chem. Phys. Vol. 127, 164708, 2007. (pdf)
Imaging Energy Landscapes with Concentrated Diffusing Colloidal Probes, Bahukudumbi, P.; Bevan, M.A. J. Chem. Phys. Vol. 126, 244702, 2007. (pdf)
Colloidal Microstructures, Transport, and Impedance Properties within Interfacial Microelectrodes, Bahukudumbi, P.; Everett, W.N.; Beskok, A.; Huff, G.H.; Ounaies, Z.; Lagoudas, D.; Bevan, M.A. Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 90, 224102, 2007. (pdf)
Diffusing Colloidal Probes of Protein and Synthetic Macromolecule Interactions, Everett, W.N.; Wu, H.; Anekal, S.G.; Sue, H.; Bevan, M.A. Biophys. J. Vol. 92, 1005-1013, 2007. (pdf)
Equivalent Temperature and Specific Ion Effects in Macromolecule Coated Colloid Interactions, Fernandes, G.; Bevan, M.A. Langmuir Vol. 23, 1500-1506, 2007. (pdf)
Mapping Patterned Potential Energy Landscapes with Diffusing Colloidal Probes, Wu, H.; Everett, W.N.; Anekal, S.G.; Bevan, M.A. Langmuir Vol. 22, 6826-6836, 2006. (pdf)
Self-Diffusion in Sub-Monolayer Colloidal Fluids Near a Wall, Anekal, S.G.; Bevan, M.A. J. Chem. Phys. Vol. 125, 034906, 2006. (pdf)
Dynamic Signature for the Equilibrium Percolation Threshold of Attractive Colloidal Fluids, Anekal, S.G.; Bahukudumbi, P.; Bevan, M.A. Phys. Rev. E Vol. 73, 020403, 2006. (pdf)
Anomalous Potentials from Inverse Analyses of Interfacial Polydisperse Attractive Colloidal Fluids, Pangburn, T.O.; Bevan, M.A. J. Chem. Phys. Vol. 124, 054712, 2006. (pdf)
Role of Polydispersity in Anomalous Interactions in Electrostatically Levitated Colloidal Systems, Pangburn, T.O.; Bevan, M.A. J. Chem. Phys. Vol. 123, 174904, 2005. (pdf)
Measurement and Interpretation of Particle-Particle and Particle-Wall Interactions in Levitated Colloidal Ensembles, Wu, H.; Pangburn, T.O.; Beckham, R.E.; Bevan, M.A. Langmuir Vol. 21, No. 22, 9879-9888, 2005. (pdf)
Inverse Density-Functional Theory as an Interpretive Tool for Measuring Colloid-Surface Interactions in Dense Systems, Lu, M.; Bevan, M.A.; Ford, D.M. J. Chem. Phys. Vol. 122, 224710, 2005. (pdf)
Direct Measurement of Single and Ensemble Average Particle-Surface Potential Energy Profiles, Wu, H.; Bevan, M.A. Langmuir Vol. 21, No. 4, 1244-1254, 2005. (pdf)
Interpretation of Conservative Forces from Stokesian Dynamic Simulations of Interfacial and Confined Colloids, Anekal, S.G.; Bevan, M.A. J. Chem. Phys. Vol. 122, 034903, 2005. (pdf)
Specific Ion-Dependent Attraction and Phase Behavior of Polymer-Coated Colloids, Hwang, K.; Wu, H.; Bevan, M.A. Langmuir Vol. 20, No. 26, 11393-11401, 2004. (pdf)
Structural Evolution of Colloidal Crystals with Increasing Ionic Strength, Bevan, M.A.; Lewis, J.A.; Braun, P.V.; Wiltzius, P. Langmuir Vol. 20, No. 17, 7045-7052, 2004. (pdf)
Comparison of Nanoparticle Size and Electrophoretic Mobility Measurements using a Carbon Nanotube-Based Coulter Counter, Dynamic Light Scattering, Transmission Electron Microscopy, and Phase Analysis Light Scattering, Ito, T.; Sun, L.; Bevan, M.A.; Crooks, R.M. Langmuir Vol. 20, No. 16, 6940-6945, 2004. (pdf)
Calculation of van der Waals Forces with Diffuse Coatings: Applications to Roughness and Adsorbed Polymers, Dagastine, R.R.; Bevan, M.A.; White, L.R.; Prieve, D.C. J. Adhesion Vol. 80, 365-394, 2004. (pdf)
Solvent Quality Dependent Continuum van der Waals Attraction and Phase Behavior for Colloids Bearing Nonuniform Adsorbed Polymer Layers, Bevan, M.A.; Petris, S.N.; Chan, D.Y.C. Langmuir Vol. 18, No. 21, 7845-7852, 2002. (pdf)
Light Scattering Characterization of Polystyrene Latex with and without Adsorbed Polymer, Min, G.; Bevan, M.A.; Prieve, D.C.; Patterson, G.D. Colloids & Surfaces Vol. 202, pgs. 9-21, 2002. (pdf)
Solvent Quality dependent Interactions and Phase Behavior of Polystyrene Particles with Physisorbed PEO-PPO-PEO, Bevan, M.A., Scales, P.J. Langmuir 2002; Vol. 18, No. 5, 1474-1484, 2002. (pdf)
Effect of Physisorbed Polymers on the Interaction of Latex Particles And Their Dispersion Stability, Bevan, M.A.; Prieve, D.C. Polymers in Particulate Systems: Properties and Applications, Surfactant Science Series, Vol. 104, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2001. (pdf)
Hydrodynamic and Electrokinetic Properties of Decane Droplets in Aqueous SDS Solutions, Nespolo, S.A., Bevan, M.A.; Grieser, F.; Chan, D.; Stevens, G; Langmuir Vol. 17, No. 23, pgs. 7210-7218, 2001. (pdf)
Forces and Hydrodynamic Interactions between Polystyrene Surfaces with Adsorbed PEO-PPO-PEO, Bevan, M.A.; Prieve, D.C. Langmuir Vol. 16, No. 24, pgs. 9274-9281, 2000. (pdf)
Aggregation Dynamics for Two Particles during Electrophoretic Deposition under Steady Fields, Guelcher, S.; Bevan, M.A.; Solomentsev, Y.; Anderson, J.L. Langmuir Vol. 16, No. 24, pgs. 9208-9216, 2000. (pdf)
Hindered Diffusion of Colloidal Particles Very Near to a Wall: Revisited, Bevan, M.A.; Prieve, D.C. J. Chem. Phys. Vol. 113, No. 3, pgs. 1228-1236, 2000. (pdf)
Direct Measurement of Retarded van der Waals Attraction (Cover Story), Bevan, M.A.; Prieve, D.C. Langmuir Vol. 15, No. 23, pgs. 7925-7936, 1999. (pdf)